Spaghetti Legs & Tossing Cookies (almost)

Today was my first day meeting and working out with my personal trainer. Holy Cow!! He wasn’t kidding last week when he said he’d try to keep me from throwing up. It was hard work. Much of the work was indeed trying to keep my breakfast down. My arms were shaking. My legs were shaking. I’m told tomorrow it might hurt to even wash my hair!
What have I been doing all these years? How is it that i am so out of shape? Well, no more! I’m so excited to be doing this. I feel really lucky to be able to have a trainer that is focusing on just me the whole time. Pushing me to my limits. Encouraging me to be strong. Showing me the proper way to do all of the exercises. Taking the guess work out of working out.
I’m looking forward to the point where I am not so sick the whole time. I’m going to try to do some cardio during the couple days off that I don’t see him. Tomorrow I’m going to start with a long steep walk up one of our local San Francisco hills. This is so good for me – in so many ways. 😎