
I had started to knit these before I knew we were having a boy. In looking at my yarn collection it is pretty clear that I love the color pink. Oh well, this is San Francisco after all. I think they are super cute anyway. The yarn is a little scratchy so I lined the booties with store-bought socks and the hat with a cotton hat.
28 Weeks
I feel blessed that pregnancy has been pretty nice up to this point. Â I know that is not the case with many women. I actually think my belly is pretty cute still, all sticking out and full of baby. Though I am starting to notice where the other 10 pounds (of the 20 I’ve gained) went – hips and ass mostly (though a good pound or two has made its way to my boobies – yay!). Â
I’m feeling pretty pregnant these days. Â I saw my doctor last week and she announced that my honeymoon period is officially over. For the last 7 months I’ve been like “Hey this pregnant thing is a breeze!”. Â Now, not so much.
Its more difficult to walk, to sit, to sleep, to lay down.  I’ll spare you the details, but now I know what varicose veins are (and they aren’t so cute). I made it a good solid 6 months of no caffeine, but now I must say a glass of tea a few times a week keeps me going. If it weren’t for tea I’d never have the energy to blog, or knit, or take care of my dog, or even shower some days.
Turns out it takes a lot of energy to make a baby. Â And for me, most of that energy comes from fruit. Â I can’t get enough of it. Â Strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mango, banana, peaches, figs, nectarines, pears, and apples are all in my kitchen as I speak. Â Crazy. Â By Thursday it will all have been consumed. Â I should try to eat more meat I suppose. Everyone says protein is important. Â I just don’t ever crave it, and since the hubby is vegetarian, it rarely makes it on the menu. Â I’m pretty sure I get protein from other places though (cottage cheese, whole grains, dairy), so I’m not too worried. Â Should I be? Â Maybe I’ll have some eggs for dinner.
(while writing that I just consumed 30 grams of cottage cheese protein)
I’ll try to remember to have Dallas take a photo of my belly. Â Its about time for another.
If anyone out there has some good knitting patterns let me know. Â I’m running out of ideas and still have plenty of yarn and time. Â Help?
I woke up this morning to discover that David Sedaris has a new book out!  I am so excited that I can’t even wait for Amazon Prime Shipping.  I’m actually going to drive over to the book store and pick up a copy of When You Are Engulfed in Flames right after the gym.