
this beautiful sunny sunday seemed the perfect day to have another couple over for brunch in the garden. the day was perfect. we had fresh flowers, pate, cheese, fruit, pastries, champagne, and really good company. the four of us were hanging out around our patio table when all of a sudden from the next yard over flew a 40 oz beer bottle (with beer) and hit dallas smack on the head! it bounced off his head and shattered on the ground beside us. dallas spent a few hours in the emergency room. the police came by the house and we filed a report, but it didn’t seem like they were going to do anything at all. 8-( i guess if anything ever happens again, we have this incident on file.
it really was a bummer how the whole day got turned upside down by our stupid jerk-head neighbors.
dallas is home now. he seems mostly okay (though a bit nauseous) . earlier, at the ER, he was complaining of spotty vision and a headache. he had to get the laceration cleaned out and then stapled shut.
here is a photo of dallas staple! (he’s so hardcore!)