We went camping this weekend. Charlotte the dog came along for the ride. Camping with a dog is not as easy and natural as it sounds. First of all we had to rent a bigger car to accommodate her and her stuff. When we went to pick up our rental “Standard SUV” they surprised us with a FREE upgrade! How fun! usually… The new upgraded utility vehicle was an H3! A hummer! and it was bumble bee yellow! Don’t get me wrong, it was fun to drive and had leather interior, seat warmers, Satellite radio etc. But in SF driving around in such an impractical car leads to disappointing looks. I couldn’t wait to leave the city and get out to the country. Once out in the country, we stuck out even more in our city slicker yellow hummer. To top it off we also had the biggest tent known to man-kind! it has 3 bedrooms!
So for Charlottes stuff we a bag with toys, her bucket with food, all of her dishes and water and treats, a few leashes, her beds, a crate, a metal play area, and a long rope for tying her off. sheesh! not exactly roughing it! and especially for a dog. but it made our life easier having options. she is quite a handful sometimes. All of the new scents and critters had her going on overdrive.
On Saturday we went for a walk which turned out to be a little more adventurous than originally intended. The destination was “The Gorge” (A river-y area). We eventually made it, but we really pooped out the poor puppy! When we got back to camp she dug herself a nice hole in the dirt, crawled in, and slept for a long time.