To the Playa!

h1 June 11th, 2007


Its official. I’m able to go to Burning Man this year. I took one year off while Dallas went, then last year we both took the year off for our honeymoon – so I’ve missed the last 2 years! Crazy. I had written off being able to go anytime soon (this decade), but turns out I’m going in 2 1/2 months! Yay!

I’m super excited. Since the primary mode of transportation on the Playa is a bicycle, we have decided to upgrade to a tricycle. It will be sort of like a chair on wheels. Plus we can also easily haul things like ice and beverages around. The theme this year is The Green Man, so of course the bike will be green and decked out in green EL wire.

See you on the Playa!

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